festival / audiovisual Roda de Berà Saturday, June 17, 2023, 19h
Gala de cloenda de la 15a edició del FIC-CAT. Acte conduit pel mag i humorista Roberto Vara. Durant la gala tindrà lloc el lliurament de premis. Entrada gratuïta vàlida per a una persona.
Welcome to the ticket office:Gala de cloenda FIC-CAT 2023
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If you are inactive for 3 minutes, you will lose your seat in the ticket office and you will be returned to the queue.
Book your tickets
Gala de cloenda FIC-CAT 2023
Checking availability...
Time available to place your order:
If you are inactive for 3 minutes, you will lose your seat in the ticket office and you will be returned to the queue.
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Time available to place your order:
All TickEtic tickets are nominal. The attendee cannot be changed once the purchase has been made, except in cases of force majeure.
Booked tickets
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Donation tax details
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This ticket is a donation. This means that the money raised will go entirely to a nonprofit. You will be able to download a certificate of donations that will allow you to deduct its value (Spanish residents only).
Address to appear on the donation certificate
Summary and payment
Time available to place your order:
Order Summary
Time available to place your order:
Order Completed
Thank you for your trust!
You will soon receive a confirmation email.
Remember that you can always check the status of your order and download the tickets from your user profile.
Some of your tickets are for someone other than yourself. We have sent them an email so they can download their tickets. Enjoy!