Tickets with a social perspective
Zero Waste Festival

Zero Waste Festival

festival / science Barcelona since Thursday, October 26, 2023 up to Friday, October 27, 2023

The Zero Waste Festival is an inspiring event to think, reflect, debate and achieve a plausible future that generates a footprint for the future without waste.

Event information

The Zero Waste Festival will be held in Barcelona on October 26 and 27. We will meet by:

Build innovative solutions, accelerate changes towards a Zero Waste Society, and work for the well-being and well-being of the society of the future.

The meeting, dynamic and experiential, will welcome experts, leaders, inspiring voices, who are currently driving ecosocial transformation in the scientific, social, economic, business, institutional and political fields.

Do not miss! It will be a unique opportunity to connect and create alliances with governments, companies, entities, and citizens involved.

Important! It is mandatory
to fill out this form once you have general admission. Do it as soon as possible and reserve your place! Click here


Palo Alto
Calle de los Pellaires, 30 ,
Barcelona, Barcelona
See the map

Organizer information

Organized by Rezero (Fundació Privada per a la Prevenció de Residus i el Consum Responsabe, NIF G64007404)